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发布时间:2020-06-19技巧心得 作者:湖南成考
1.《史记》The historical Records
2.《诗经》The book of Songs
3.《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals
4.《论语》The Analects of Confucius
5.《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms
6.《水浒传》Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh
7.《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West/journey to the West
8.《红楼梦》A dream in Red Mansions/The story of the Stone
9.《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers
10.《三字经》Three-Character Scripture
11.《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror
12.《长城》The great Wall
13.兵马俑 Terra-Cotta Warriors
14.敦煌莫高窟 Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang
15.鼓楼 drum-tower
16.故宫 the Forbbidden City/the Palace Museum
17.天坛 Temple of Heaven
18.西湖 West L ake
19.日月潭 Sun-moon Lake/Riyuetan Pool 
20.明十三陵 the Ming Tombs
21.苏州园林 Suzhou Garden(s)
22.太和殿 The Hall of Supreme Harmony
23.养心殿 the Hall of Mental Cultivation
24.乾清宫 the Palace of Heavenly Purity
25.慈宁宫 the Palace of Compassion and Tranqillity
26.御花园 the Imperial Garden
27.黄帝陵 HuangDi Mausol eum .
28.十三陵 MingTombs
29.中山陵 Dr. SunYat-sen’sMauso leum
30.(重庆)渣滓洞 Cinder Cave
31.腊八节 The Laba Rice Porridge Festival / Laba Festival
32.除夕 New Year’s Eve
33.春节 The Spring Festival
34.元宵节 Lantern Festival
35.清明节 Qingming Festival / Tomb-Sweeping Day
36.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
37.七夕节 Double Seventh Festival
38.中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
39.重阳节 Double Ninth Festival
40.春联 Spring Festival couplets
41.拜年 paying a New Year call
42.鲁菜Shandong Cuisine
43.川菜Sichuan cuisine
44.粤菜Guangdong cuisine
45.湘菜Hunan cuisine
46.淮扬菜Huaiyang cuisine
47.北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck
48.豆浆 soybean milk
49.馒头 mantou/ steamed bun
40.火锅 hot pot
51.春卷 spring roll
52.炸酱面 noodles with soybean paste
53.麻花 fried dough twist
54.粽子 zongzi/ rice dumpling
55.拉面 hand-pulled noodles / stretched noodles
56.馄饨 wonton/ chinese dumpling soup
57.豆腐 tofu/ bean curd
58.月饼 moon cake
59.米线 rice noodles
60.白酒 liquor and spirits